Supplying New And Refurbished Transformers

Prestige Transformers is a company that supplies new and refurbished Transformers in excellent Condition

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What we Offer

  • Sale Of New and Refurbished Transformers
  • Onsite testing of transformers
  • Fault Finding and Analysis of Transformers
  • Exporting of Transformers in Africa

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Exporting Of Transformers

We export many transformers all around Africa mostly 25kVA up to 1000mVA

Benefits Of Refurbished Transformers

man soldering wires

1) Lower Cost

Remanufactured transformers tend to be between 10% and 40% lower cost than new. But what about power cost savings with new, more efficient designs? While slight efficiency gains have been made in transformer design (around 1-2% as of DOE 2016) the savings in power bills from the utility will never offset the added upfront cost for a new transformer.

black electric post under blue sky during daytime

2) Lower Risk Of Failure

The vast majority of transformer failures happen immediately upon energization. Relatively few failures occur between year 3 and year 30 of service. Which means that if a transformer has been successfully been energized, served for a time, and then removed from service with no issues, the secondary buyer of such a unit has the added insurance of getting a transformer that has truly been proven in the field.

red and white concrete building

3) Lower Environmental Impact

Some propose that newer, more efficient transformers are more environmentally friendly due to lower losses. However, the slight efficiency gains made in recent years will never offset the environmental impact of manufacturing a new transformer

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Transformer reconditioning has been a niche industry nearly since the invention of the technology. Buying a reconditioned transformer is often an excellent option when needing to make project deadlines and budgets. New is not necessarily better than reconditioned, but you should always do your due diligence, and qualify the rebuilder to ensure you are getting a quality product.